Yuga is epoch telling us the moral and spiritual growth and development of mankind in Hinduism.

Four Yuga of Hinduism


Welcome to the world of resolute readings at www.onindianpath.com. Lets uncover the mystery of yugas and their significance in modern times.


Yug Ram raj ka aa gya…. these lines you must have heard mostly on social media platforms and religious and social gatherings a lot.

Do you know what does yuga mean?

Let me tell you that a yuga refers to a cosmic age or epoch. Furthermore, Hindus believes that these yugas are cyclical in nature. Additionally, there are four yugas: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga and Kali Yuga.

These yugas represent different stages of moral and spiritual development of mankind and the world.

Bull of Dharma

Notably, we are talinkg about bull of Dharma, in every yuga, Actually, it is symbolic representation of Dharma. His number of legs decline with passage of each cyclical yuga.

Further, sages and scholars believe that the Bull of Dharma is standing on four legs depicting





What is Satya Yuga?

Additionally, Satya Yuga is the first one to start the cycle of yuga. Also, Satya Yuga was the age of truth and virtue, governed by God, mankind used to live ideally.

Consequently, the main motive is to live with moral righteousness and spiritual enlightenment. And, it is popularly known as Golden Age and Krita Yuga. People were happy and used to live with peace and harmony without any war, violence and conflict or natural calamity.

Moreover, spirituality was at its highest peak as everybody was inclined towards betterment and harmony. It stayed for estimated 1728000 years. The bull of Dharma stands on his four legs in this era. Meanwhile, ancient text suggests that Hindu god Vishnu took 4 awatars namely

  • Matsya
  • Kurma
  • Varaha
  • Narsimha

I am going to discuss these awatars in details in my upcoming blogs.

Treta Yuga

However, it is second in the row of cycles of Yuga also called silver age of Hinduism. Treta means collection of three things. Mainly, all the three gods, trinity of Hinduism I.e. Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu were worshipped.

Additionally, it was the time when Lord Rama took birth in Ayodhya. It was the time of great epic Ramayana. In addition, Hindu God Vishnu had three awatars in this age namely

  • Vamana
  • Parshurama
  • Ram

Mainly, this yuga had 1296000 years. Apparently, the Bull of Dharma stands on three legs in this epoch losing the value of morality.

Dwapar Yuga

Apparently, Dwapar Yuga is the third in row. And, it lasted for 864000 years. Here, the transition of yuga made Bull of Dharma stands only on two legs :



Besides Dwapar, this age is also called bronze age. Meanwhile, Lord Krishna was born in this age and it is believed that the departure of soul from the body of Lord Krishna to the Vaikuntha was the beginning of Kaliyuga. It was starting of sins and bad things around.

Kali Yuga

Firstly, the current age, we are living in, is Kali Yuga. This is the age of moral decline, darkness and spiritual challenges. Bull of Dharma stands on one leg in this age.

Secondly, this is also called iron age, depiction of darkness. Indeed, it is the age of 432000 years.

However, Kaliyuga is the yuga of moral depreciation of mankind. But, some text suggests that people will be religiously inclined towards righteousness in this age with more upgradation of wealth, technology and population. Clearly, this is the age of widespread of jealousy, dishonesty, rudeness, arrogance and ignorance of trueself.

Infact, in this cycle of four yugas, every yuga ends with mahapralay (vast collapse and devastation of human life) and new yuga starts with the dawn of hope and optimism.

My viewpoint

In my opinion, our ancient texts tells us the evolution and order of yugas based on cosmic occurence.

Actually, it is the time travel method described way long back by our sages and scholars. Moreover, this shows us the change in societal, ethical, political and religious values in every yuga. Not only it reflects on the profound lessons embedded in the transitions between yugas, but also it draws parallels to personal growth and societal changes.

Thus, it not only denotes the change in yuga but also, it teaches us the value and degree of change in our life. As an individual, we definitely get influenced by our peers, surroundings and background.

Hence, the transition of yuga teaches us the same. Likewise, we grow up in a safer and mannerful way in our mother’s womb, we come to existence, and brought up by our guardians as per their own system of beliefs and moral values.

Later, at the age of schooling, earning and settling down, we tend to deteriorate our moral values to be more wealthy and richer. In fact, materialism takes up everything in our mind. No relation, no devotion, no attachment can overpower this. However, our sensual pleasure has made us forget the worth of living a meaningful life.

For me, a meaningful life is the life with simplicity and righteousness. I truly believe in the importance of spiritual values over materialism. Using of limited sources of living with inclination towards satisfaction.


Moving beyond the distinctions of haves and have-nots in the index of life, connecting with elders and younger individuals within my circle, devoting my self to the supreme power and growing each day by being more humble and kind. Lets be more mindful in life and emphasize more on humility, kindness and devotion.

Hope my words moved you to grow and be more happier. Wishing you a blessed day ahead.

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