Aarti is a sacred form of worship rituals in Hinduism.

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| न तत्र सूर्यो भाति न चन्द्रतारकं नेमा विद्युतो भन्ति कुतोऽयमग्निः।तमेव भन्तमनुभाति सर्वं तस्य भासा सर्वमिदं विभाति ॥ दस ॥न तत्र सूर्यो भाति न चंद्रतारकं नेमा विद्युतो भांति कुतोऽयमग्निः |तमेव भन्तमनुभाति सर्वं तस्य भाषा सर्वमिदं विभाति||
This shloka form Mundaka Upnishads teaches us the value of light emiting within. The light from the Sun and from the Moon is nothing in front of the light of atman delves into Brahman.
Aarti is a sacred ritual where bati (wick made of cotton) dipped in ghee (clarified butter) along with camphor (symbol of vasana), incense sticks, flowers, rice and vermillion placed on a plate, offered to the deity.
However, do you know the value of camphor in Aarti? Camphor or kapur is a white crystal like compound having strong aroma and therapeutic properties. It is obtained from bark of Camphor tree. When burnt, it emits a soothing smell and leaves no residue at the end.
Camphor as Vasana
As per our great ancient text, Camphor is associated with symbolism of Vasana. Vasana is the feeling of desiring. When we sink into the deeper world of desires, ego and superiority, camphor gives us a message to burn ourselves into the devotion of God to kill the ego within.
Diya in Aarti
Apparently, diya is a small container where ghee or oil is put with a bati. Besides, the diya could be of made up of wheat flour, silver, gold, bronze or any metal. And, the whole plate containing above said items is offered to the deity in a circular way in five or seven circles to cover the deity form head to the toe.
What is Aarti?
As we all know that Hinduism comes form Hindi. And Hindi has its deepest roots in Sanskrit. Moreover, Aarti is a word derived form Sanskrit word Aartrika means remover of ratri aka darkness or ignorance. It is the part of Neerajanam of Shodas Upchara( 16 parts of worshipping rituals) of worshipping in Hinduism. Where, we offer ritualistic prayers in a musical form.
Significance of Aarti
Aarti holds profound significance in our rich culture. Hinduism advocates the importance of Aarti in a subtle and simpler way. As we all know, that it has spiritual and transformative powers to make us connect to the divine. It is sung in chorus at many places to invoke sprememe entity’s presence, the blessings and thanking him for everything.
Further, it is performed after every puja and shringaar of the deity. As mentioned in my previous blogs on Shri Bankey Bihari Lal ji Temple, Shri Mahakaleshwar Mahadev jyotirlinga, Baba Baijnath Dham and Ram Mandir Ayodhya, and other temples, there are different timings and schedule of Aarti for different occasions.
Likewise Mangla Aarti (morning majorly during Brahma muhurat), Shringaar Aarti (after the decoration of deity), Balbhog Aarti (after the breakfast of deity), Sandhya Aarti (evening) and Shayan Aarti (night rituals before sleep) to invoke the divine presence of the deity.
Hence forth, it is a compulsory sacred ritual perform in every temple and hindu household after the puja rituals.
Key Highlights of Aarti
a) Hindus perform aarti as a token of gratitude and praise their Gods and Goddess.
b) Although, sound is an integral part. It includes chanting of mantras, sound of Aum, sound of counch, ringing bell and dhapli and taal. They all are integral part of Shodas Upchara.
c) Furthermore, it is always peroformed with right hand of the priest or a devotee. Here, the Deepam is offered in a ciruclar form to cover whole deity.
d) As explained by ancient texts, it is also called an open-eye meditation where everyone present delves into the mesmerizing sound, claps and salutations of hailing the Lord. Additionally, it is a way to show joy and auspiciousness in Hindu culture.
e) At the end, we face our palms over the flame of Aarti and touch our eyes and head with those palms. Also, it is a way to illuminate our vision with the light of god.
f) Lastly, we bow down in front of deity to praise his excellence, love and blessings on us.
Do you know, in hindu culture, we oftern do Aarta of humans also? Aarta is humanised form of Aarti where the plate of puja is circumambulate around the human. Aarta is a popular Hindi word of Aarti of people. Generally, it is performed to eradicate the evils eye. Also, it is often performed during Bhai Dooj, Raksha Bandhan, tilak ceremony during Vivah Pranigrah Sanskara and welcoming of new family member like a newly wedded daughter in law or an infant in the family.
Benefits of Aarti
Infact, there are many benefits as explained below:
- It is a sacred form of expressing deep love and devotion to the Hindu god.
- Also, it invokes the presence of deity. Hence, Aarti is a way to attract attention of the deity.
- Indeed, it is performed as it has purifying energies. The burning of ghee bati, camphor and incense sticks and dhup bati emits aroma and fragrance to cleanse the atmosphere.
- Thus, during Aarti, the ringing of bells, counch sound and clapping by the devotees spells the atmosphere and gives them a musical and holistic enlightened experience.
At the end, I would like to conclude my blog by emphasizing on the importance of Hindu worship rituals. We should know the significance of Aarti and pass it on to our future generation to keep our Hinduism intact and lively. We, Hindus are always open to new systems, opinions and cultural viewpoints. But, it is our duty to carry forward the beauty and traditions of our very own culture and Vedas to the next level with a message of spreading love and brotherhood.
Keep growing and reading with us.
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