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Lord Vishnu
Lord Vishnu


Varuthini Ekadashi is a significant Hindu festival and commonly a fasting day. Varuis a Hindi word which means protection. Thus, Lord Vishnu protects his devotees and all the followers who do puja and observe fast on this day will be protected by Shri Hari Vishnu.

So, even today people follow the tradition and cherish the fruits of observing Ekadashi in this month of Vaishaka. It is believed that observing this fast can purify mind, body and soul of a person and attain the blessings of Hindu God Shri Vishnu. Likewise, Varuthini Ekadashi is also known as Baruthani Ekadashi or Vratini Ekadashi.

Date and tithi of Varuthini Ekadashi 2025

Apparently, Varuthini Ekadashi is celebrated on the eleventh day (Ekadashi) of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the Hindu month of Vaishakha of Hindu Panchang. It usually falls in April or May in the Gregorian calendar.

In 2025, it will be celebrated on April 24, 2025. The Ekadashi titthi will start at 4:43 PM on April 23, 2025 and will end at 2:32 PM on April 24, 2025.

However, Prana time will be observed from 5:44AM till 8:21AM on April 25, 2025.

Significance of Varuthini Ekadashi

Varuthini Ekadashi holds profound importance for all the Hindus. As, it is agreat day to reverse Lord Vishnu and observe fasts to get rid of all the sins. On this day, devotees of Lord Vishnu observe a day-long fast and offer prayers and devotional songs to the deity. As per ancient texts, it is believed that observing this fast with dedication and devotion can absolve one’s sins and bring prosperity, peace and happiness in their lives.

According to the Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu saved the world from destruction by demon Muran during his slumber on this day. Therefore, devotees observe fast as a way of expressing gratitude to the deity for protecting the world.

Moreover, in some parts of India, people also perform charitable deeds on this day. They donate food, clothes and money to the needy. The festival holds significant importance among the Vaishnavites, who consider it as one of the most important Ekadashi fasts of the year.

Varuthini Ekadashi Vrat Katha

As per the Hindu mythology, the story of Varuthini Ekadashi is associated with a King named Mandhata who was famous for his righteousness and his devotion to Lord Vishnu.

One day, he was wandering in the forest, he came across a hermit who was engaged in the worship of Lord Vishnu. The hermit told the king about the significance of observing Ekadashi fasts and how it can help a person attain salvation.

As a result, King Mandhata was very impressed with the hermit’s words and decided to observe the Ekadashi fasts himself. Thenafter, he went back to his kingdom and declared that everyone in his kingdom should observe Varuthini Ekadashi fasts. Further, he also announced that on this day, all the criminals in his kingdom would be forgiven for their sins and set free. Years passed by and King Mandhata passed away, but the tradition of observing Varuthini Ekadashi continued.

Special remedy to attract wealth and blessings on Varuthini Ekadashi 2025

a) One should offer yellow coloured flowers to Lord Vishnu on this day. Specifically, on Varuthini Ekadashi 2025, offer black grapes along with other bhog like Banana to Lord Vishnu as bhog and consume as prasadam later.

b) Offer water to peepal tree on this day and light a diya of ghee at the roots to attract wealth and prosperity in abundance. Also make a swastika with turmeric on the peepal leaf and offer it to Shri Vishnu by chanting ‘Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaye Namah’ 11 times.

Rituals on Varuthini Ekadashi

Moreover, on this day, devotees wake up early in the morning, take a bath, wear clean clothes and offer prayers to Lord Vishnu. They observe a strict fast for the whole day and break it only on the next day after offering prayers to Lord Vishnu.

Thus, Varuthini Ekadashi significance can be derived by the fact that it is observed with great devotion and dedication. It is believed that by observing this fast, one can attain salvation and eternal happiness.

What to do on Varuthini Ekadashi?

Varuthini Ekadashi is believed to be a highly auspicious day for worshipping Lord Vishnu and seeking his blessings. Here are few things you can do on Varuthini Ekadashi in this month:

  • Observe a fast: Fasting on Varuthini Ekadashi is considered highly auspicious. It is believed that fasting on this day helps in purifying the body and mind, and brings good fortune.
  • Worship Lord Vishnu: Offer prayers to Lord Vishnu on this day by visiting a temple or setting up a small puja at home. You can offer flowers, fruits and sweets to the deity.
  • Read the Vishnu Sahasranama: Reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama, a sacred text that contains 1000 names of Lord Vishnu, is considered highly auspicious on Varuthini Ekadashi.
  • Click here to buy Katha book.
  • Donate to the poor: Giving alms to the poor and needy is believed to bring good karma and blessings. You can donate food, clothes, or money to a local charity or a person in need.
  • Practice meditation: Spend some time in quiet reflection or meditation on this day. This will help you connect with your inner self and find inner peace.
  • Avoid alcohol and non-vegetarian food: It is advised to not to consume alcoholic products and non-vegetarian food on Varuthini Ekadashi as it can lead to bad karma.


Hence, Varuthini Ekadashi is a day of spiritual significance, and the above practices are meant to help you connect with your inner self and seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu.These are some of the basic highlights of the Varuthini Ekadashi 2025.

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4 thoughts on “Varuthini Ekadashi 2025 and It’s Pristine Impact on Devotees

    1. Thank you Ms. Shefali for your valuable comment. Keep reading for more interesting information on Hinduism. Do share your ideas with us.

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