Welcome to our innate readers. Have you ever wondered why Swastik is a popular symbol of Hinduism? Why does every Hindu house have this reverent symbol on its main entrance? Why the walls of the house, temples and even the workplace are decorated with it too?
The answer lies in the significance of Satiya (sawastik). Swastik is the most pious and ancient symbol in Hinduism. It is a sign of prosperity and good fortune.
Discovering the importance of Swastik in Hinduism
Swastik is the most religious and widely used symbol in Hinduism. Swastik is the second most popular symbol of Hinduism after Aum. Moreover, Swastik is an integral part of Indian culture.
It’s an age-old tradition to begin every new work with it. It is believed that a newly purchased object or vehicle, ceremony and traditional event of Hindu family is incomplete without Swastik. It is regarded propitious and a source of positive energy.
What is Swastik?
Swastik derived from Sanskrit word SWASTIKA. It is a union of two Sanskrit word Su (good, well) and Asti (verb form of to be). Thus, it means conducive to well-being.
Swastik is omnipresent in every sphere of Indian culture. It has great mention in Buddhism and Jainism. Evidently, Swastik is present in many cultures and countries of western part of the globe too.
What are the unique features of Swastik?
a) As revealed by Riga Veda, Swastik is the symbol of the Sun. As the Sun always rises in the east and sets in the west the same way Swastik has definite shape.
b) Additionally, Ganesha Purana defines Swastik as the symbol of lord Ganesha.
c) And according to Upanishads, Swastik is a representation of auspiciousness and blessings. It has been mentioned in many swasti-vachan-mantras. You must have seen many priests and sages uttering few expressions to bless people in temples and yaganas. These words are swasti, swasti swasti! These words means blessings coming from God’s abode.
d) Apparently, ancient text quotes four dots in the symbol as four yuga; Satya yuga, Treta yuga, Dwapara yuga and Kalyug.
e) Many scholars define right faced Swastik as Pravriti and left facing Sauwastika as Nivriti.
f) In addition to this, ancient Purana finds the four lines from center of the Swastik as four aims of human life called Purushartha; Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha.
g) Thus, the four dots denotes surrender, love, faith and relevance.
h) Finally, the small diagonal corners at the end of all the four lines denotes four type of inner being; ego, mind, intellect and chitta (conscious).
i) Swastik has a huge impact on Hindu culture and different schools of thought. Some holy texts believe that the four lines are the four heads of Lord Brahma. The four stages of life namely Brahamcharya (life of student), Grihstha (married and householder), Vanaprastha (retired) and Sanyasa (life of renunciation) are depicted by four lines.
j) However, Vaishnavites believe Swastik as Lord Vishnu’s weapon and denote it as Sudarshan Chakra. Another school of thought defines Swastik as Four hand of Lord Vishnu.
k) Although, Shaivites believe Swastik as the origin of the universe. The centre point in Swastik means uterus from where life has started. And the vertical lines define Lord Shiva. Interconnection of horizontal and vertical lines is the evolution of the whole world.
l) Evidently, Shaktities believe the power and good luck of Swastik lies in the hand of Maa Durga. She is eight-handed goddess having one hand in Varaha Mudra having Swastik on it.
Significance of Swastik
Swastik holds profound importance in Hinduism. Infact, the unique feature of this symbol is that it looks the same from all the directions. If one views it from a different angle it looks the same. Swastik is a symbol of purity, power, prosperity, good fortune and planet Mars.
10 things you must know about Swastik
- A Hindu can not work without Swastik. It is an integral part of his life. From childbirth to death, none of the phases is untouched with it.
- Business men make Swastik symbol on their accounts and ledger books in the beginning to bring in good fortune and prosperity.
- Undoubtedly Swastik is a great remedy to conquer the Vastu dosh. Swastik is a symbol of balance and purity. Even, I have swastik symbol at my main door.
- Furthermore, the use of Swastik at the main entrance nullifies the effect of negative energies. And, it brings good luck, good health and prosperity into our homes and our lives too.
- Swastik is compulsory for Hindu rituals like nuptial ceremony, Anna prashan, Griha pravesh, Mundan, new venture setting and Lakshmi puja.
- It is always drawn with the right hand. One should always make satiya (swastika) with a ring finger dipped in red vermilion or Haldi (cucumin).
- It is one of the gestures explained in Natya Shastra with dancing hands.
- Additionally, there is a medicinal plant in Ayurveda called Sitavari which is also called Swastik as it has capacity to attack the ailments from all directions.
- Indeed, how can Yoga be untouched with this divine symbol? As per Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Swastik is a particular way of sitting for Yogis to align all the chakras.
- Akhand Sutra defines Swastik as Muladhar Chakra and base of Earth. It also defines the eighth point of the symbol as Ashta Lakshmi (goddess of wealth).
- On the contrary, many cultures and civilizations in different part of the globe has different significance of Swastik with the same auspiciousness attached to it.
Moreover, extensive research has been done on Swastik. my sincere efforts to bring out the best of my knowledge on this holy symbol of Hinduism must have cleared your doubts on its significance. The more we analyse, the more we at www.onindianpath.com will try to convey to you. Have a blessed read.
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