Today we are going to share few methods of performing shraddh. This blog is the written on the basis of discussions with astrologers.

Welcome to the oasis of engrossed readings at Let’s pay homage to our ancestors this Shraddh with devotion and love.
Our ancestors have been the roots of our family and our upbringing. How can we miss them? Shraddh or Pitru Paksha is the time to offer them food and pind daan for their satisfaction and obtaining their blessings.
Significance of Shraddh
The primary reason ancestors visit the Earth from Pitru Lok is their expectation that their descendants—especially sons and grandsons—will offer them Pind Daan according to their ability. It is the duty of every responsible Indian householder to perform Shraddh on the designated tithi.
If the Shraddh of relatives is not carried out during Pitru Paksha, the ancestors may curse the family, potentially causing harm. Therefore, performing Shraddh during this period is essential to honor and appease the ancestors.
Types of Shraddh
According to the Bhavishya Purana, there are twelve types of Shraddha:
- Nitya
- Naimittik
- Kamya
- Vriddhi
- Sapindaan
- Parvan
- Goshthi
- Shuddharth
- Karmang
- Daivik
- Yatraarth
- Pushtayarth
Precisely, we will discuss them in detail in upcoming days.
What is panchbali in Shraddh?
During Pitru Paksha, Panchbali is just as important as feeding Brahmins and offering water mixed with sesame seeds. The practice of Panchbali follows a specific ritual. A plate is divided into five sections, with a small portion of each type of food placed in each section. With sesame seeds, akshat (rice), and flowers in hand, a resolution (sankalp) is made, accompanied by the chanting of a sacred mantra.
अद्यामुक गोत्र अमुक शर्माहं/बर्माहं/गुप्तोहं/दासोहं अमुकगोत्रस्य मम पितुः/मातु आदि वार्षिकश्राद्धे (महालयश्राद्धे) कृतस्य पाकस्य शुद्ध्यर्थं पंचसूनाजनितदोषपरिहारार्थं च पंचबलिदानं करिष्ये।
There are five parts divided as:
Gobali (for cow)
ऊँ सौरभेय्यः सर्वहिताः पवित्राः पुण्यराशयः। प्रतिगृह्वन्तु मे ग्रासं गावस्त्रैलोक्यमातरः।। इदं गोभ्यो न मम।
Facing west, recite the sacred verse while directing your gaze towards the flower and the offering. After completing the chant, a portion of the Panchbali should be offered to the cow, as part of the ritual to honor the ancestors. Have you read my blog on Cow- our guardian angel?
Shawnbali (for dog)
द्वौ श्वानौ श्यामशबलौ वैवस्वतकुलोöवौ। ताभ्यामन्नं प्रयच्छामि स्यातामेतावहिंसकौ।। इदं श्वभ्यां न मम।
Recite the designated verse for the offering intended for dogs as part of the Panchbali ritual. During this act, it is important to place the Janeu (sacred thread) over the ear, as per the traditional requirements. This practice is followed to ensure the ritual is performed correctly and with reverence.
Kakbali (for crows)
ऊँ ऐन्द्रवारूणवायव्या याम्या वै नैर्ऋतास्तथा। वायसाः प्रतिगृह्वन्तु भूमौ पिण्डं मयोज्झितम्।। इदमन्नं वायसेभ्यो न मम।
Recite the given verse while offering food to the crows on the ground. Afterward, place a portion of the Panchbali on the roof, as a dedicated offering for the crows. This is an important part of the ritual, as feeding crows is believed to be a way of symbolically feeding the ancestors during Pitru Paksha.
Devadibali (for devtas)
ऊँ देवा मनुष्याः पशवो वयांसि सिद्धाः सयक्षोरगदैत्यसंघाः। प्रेताः पिशाचास्तरवः समस्ता ये चान्नमिच्छन्ति मया प्रदत्तम्।। इदमन्नं देवादिभ्यो न मम।
Recite the mentioned verse to offer food to the gods and other deities. Afterward, take a portion of the Panchbali and offer it to the fire, symbolizing the sacred connection between the offering and the divine forces. This act is a key element of the ritual, honoring the gods as part of the Panchbali tradition during Pitru Paksha.
Pipilikadibali (for ants)
पिलीलिकाः कीटपतंगकाद्या बुभुक्षिताः कर्मनिबन्धबद्धाः। तेषां हि तृप्त्यर्थमिदं मयान्नं तेभ्यो विसृष्टं सुखिनो भवन्तु।। इदमन्नं पिपीलिकादिभ्यो न मम।
Recite the designated verse to offer a portion of the Panchabali for ants and other small creatures. After setting aside the offering for the ants, prepare a meal on a plate for the Brahmins. While serving, chant the appropriate mantra, wash the feet of the Brahmins as a mark of respect, and then serve them all the prepared dishes as part of the Shraddh ritual.
यत् फलं कपिलादाने कार्तिक्यां ज्येष्ठपुष्करे। तत्फलं पाण्डवश्रेष्ठ विप्राणां पादसेचने।।
Finally, offer the Brahmins food, clothes, and money (dakshina), and show respect by applying tilak on their foreheads. In my family, we also give fabrics in the colors and types that our ancestors preferred, honoring their memory with personal touches they would have appreciated.
Rules for performing Shraddh
a) In kanagat rituals, cow’s ghee, milk, or curd should be used when preparing the food. However, ensure that the cow has given birth to a calf more than ten days ago, as the milk from a cow that has given birth within the last ten days should not be used in this ceremony.
b) While serving food to the Brahmin during Shraddh, the utensils should be carried with both hands. Serving food from a vessel held with one hand is considered inauspicious.
c) Apparently, the Brahmin should eat the food silently and without praising the dishes, as the ancestors partake in the meal only when the Brahmin consumes it in silence.
d) As per ancient text, In addition to the main date, the Shraddh for ancestors who were killed by weapons or in similar ways should be performed on Chaturdashi to appease their spirits. The Shraddh ceremony should be conducted privately, as Pind Daan will not reach the ancestors if it is witnessed by ordinary or lowly people.
e) Moreover, it is essential to feed a Brahmin during Shraddh rituals. Ancestors do not accept the offerings from a person who performs Shraddh without a Brahmin and may return after cursing them. Conducting Shraddh without a Brahmin is considered a grave sin.
f) Additionally, it is best to use barley, kangni, peas, and mustard in Shraddh rituals. The Shraddh becomes Akshaya (eternal) if a greater quantity of sesame is used. In fact, sesame protects the Shraddh from ghosts, while kusha grass protects it from demons.
g) Furthermore, Shraddh should not be performed on someone else’s land. However, forests, mountains, holy places, and temples are exceptions, as they are not considered to be owned by anyone. Therefore, Shraddh can be performed at these locations.
h) Only a Brahmin should be chosen for Shraddh, as ancestors are satisfied through them alone. Additionally, during Shraddh, if one does not feed their sister, son-in-law, or nephew in the same city, neither the ancestors nor the gods partake in the offerings. If a beggar arrives during the ritual, they should be fed respectfully, as driving them away renders the Shraddh incomplete and its benefits lost.
i) Infact, Shraddha Karma should not be performed in the evening.
j) Additionally, when ancestors are pleased with Shraddha, they bless humans with progeny, wealth, knowledge, long life, health, worldly happiness, salvation, and a place in heaven.
k) Indeed, for a successful Shraddha, ensure you include holy Gangajal, milk, honey, Dauhitra, Kusha and sesame seeds. Tulsi is essential as it pleases the ancestors, who, according to tradition, travel to Vishnu Loka on Garuda. Worshipping the pinda with Tulsi ensures the ancestors’ satisfaction until doomsday.
l) In Shraddha, avoid using gram, lentil, black gram, horse gram, sattu, radish, black cumin, Kachnar, cucumber, black salt, gourd, large mustard seeds, black mustard leaves and stale or impure food.
m) Dakshina is considered essential to Shraddh rituals. Unless food is served, and clothes and Dakshina are given, the ritual’s benefits cannot be attained.
n) Before the Shraddh date, invite learned Brahmins for a meal according to your capacity. On the day of Shraddh, ensure that the Brahmins who come for the meal are seated facing the south direction.
o) Furthermore, after feeding the Brahmins, escort them respectfully to the door, as it is believed that the ancestors accompany them. Only after the Brahmins have been served should you feed your family members, friends, and relatives.
p) Lastly, during Pitru Paksha, no living creature that comes to your door should be harmed. Instead, provide suitable food for them. Each day, set aside a portion of the cooked food to feed a cow, dog, crow, or cat, as it is believed that this food reaches the ancestors directly. In the evening, light a lamp at your door and meditate on the ancestors.
At the end, Shraddh rituals are essential for honoring and satisfying our ancestors. Adhering to specific methods—such as using the appropriate offerings, performing rituals at the right times, and treating Brahmins and other beings with respect—ensures that these sacred practices are performed correctly. These traditions are believed to bring peace and blessings from our ancestors, fostering spiritual harmony and connecting our present with our ancestral past.
Alhough, by observing Shraddh with devotion and precision, we uphold our familial responsibilities and enrich our spiritual heritage. I truly believe in the power of blessings of elders and ancestors. I am sure this shradh 2024 will surely bring you lots of blessings, wealth and prosperity by your pleased ancestors.
Have blessed time ahead.