Shiv Rudrashtakam is a sacred text that devotees recite to receive the abundant blessings of Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva is worshipped in Shiv Rudrashtakam


Welcome to the world of resolute readings at Today, we are going to explore meaning, depth and benefits of reciting Shiv Rudrashtakam.


Hinduism stands strong on the principles and teachings of the Trinity of Gods. Do you know what this Trinity is? Let me explain. The Trinity refers to Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Brahma. Lord Vishnu is the preserver, Lord Brahma is the creator, and Lord Shiva is considered both the destroyer and sustainer.

What is Shiv Rudrashtakam?

The word ‘Rudrashtakam’ is a combination of two words: ‘Rudra,’ meaning the manifestation of Lord Shiva, and ‘Ashtakam,’ meaning a collection of eight stanzas.

Why do Hindus recite Shiv Rudrashtakam?

Reciting the Shiv Rudrashtakam has always been a deeply personal and powerful experience for me. This prayer, rich with divine energy, has the ability to protect us from harm. Whenever I have felt overwhelmed or faced difficulties, turning to Lord Shiva through this prayer brought me peace. Apparently, his presence is felt, as if he is standing by my side, guarding me from every trouble.

Anyone can connect with this powerful chant, whether in times of need or to simply deepen their spiritual practice. However, I have noticed how, with each recitation, life begins to feel lighter, more joyful.

Not only this, the blessings of Mahadev come into every corner of life with Shiva Rudrashtakam. Also, it fills up the room or chantng area with peace and prosperity. Whenever I sit before an idol of Lord Shiva—whether at home or in a temple—there’s a deep sense of comfort, knowing that his protective grace is near.

To order a mini idol of Lord Shiva, click here.

This simple practice has transformed my life, and I believe it can do the same for others. Through regular devotion, we not only grow closer to Lord Shiva but also feel his shield of protection, bringing hope, strength and peace.

Origin of Shiva Rudrashtakam

As per the Valmiki Ramayana, Lord Rama was a Maryada Purushottam(abide by righteousness). He sought to rescue his consort, Goddess Sita. To achieve this, he needed to defeat Ravana, the demon king of Lanka.

Firstly, Lord Rama established a Shivlinga in Rameshvaram, now called the Rameshwar Jyotirlinga. There, he recited the Shiva Rudrashtakam with deep devotion. Through Shiva’s grace, Lord Rama gained the strength to face his enemy. Ultimately, Ravana was destroyed, and justice prevailed.

Besides, it is believed to be originated from that time only.

Who is Lord Shiva?

As I have discussed in detail in my previous blog on Lord Shiva, and various offerings made during worshipping Lord Shiva. I have mentioned there too that Shiva is Nirankar, anant, aadi and sampoornam and he is the god of gods called Mahadev. Also, he is worshipped for his vairagi Roop, yogi Roop and grihasth Roop. Moreover, he himself can create and destroy the whole universe into seconds. His energies are high lead him to drink Halahal posion from Samudra Manthan and made him Neelkanth.

Lord Shiva is the supreme God, with 12 Jyotirlingas located across the country, marking major pilgrimage sites for Hindus.

Shiva in Shiv Rudrashtakam

Lets read on to know the profound briefing of Lord Shiva in Shiv Rudrashtakam:

Align to divine powers of Mahadev

Firstly, Shiv Rudrashtakam beautifully captures the many aspects of Lord Shiva’s immense power and divine nature. Through its verses, devotees connect with Shiva’s various roles in the universe, reminding us of his infinite strength and compassion.

Lord Shiva as the Destroyer

His fiercely attitude and courageous deeds is a key theme in the Rudrashtakam. He is often called the destroyer of evil, but his role goes beyond that. Shiva’s destructive power is not simply about ending life or creation; rather, it symbolizes the destruction of ignorance, ego, and all forms of negativity. When reciting the Rudrashtakam, devotees invoke Shiva’s ability to eliminate obstacles and purify the soul, freeing them from worldly attachments and suffering.In addition to his role as the destroyer,

Lord Shiva is also the Protector

The Rudrashtakam highlights his protective nature, describing how he shields his devotees from harm. Through his blessings, Shiva brings peace and security to those who surrender to him. His protective power is not only physical but spiritual—he safeguards the soul, leading it towards divine realization. Reciting Rudrashtakam is a way for devotees to seek this protective grace, trusting in Shiva’s unfailing love and care.Most importantly,

Lord Shiva is the ultimate bestower of Moksha

Mahadev is the peovider of ultimate liberation from the cycle of birth and death. As described in the Shiv Rudrashtakam, Shiva is the embodiment of the supreme truth, and through his mercy, he helps devotees transcend worldly existence. Those who sincerely recite the Rudrashtakam with devotion are believed to receive Shiva’s blessings for spiritual liberation, or moksha, which is the highest goal in Hinduism.

Shiv Rudrashtakam with meaning

नमामीशमीशान निर्वाणरूपं
विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्मवेदस्वरूपम् ।
निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं
चिदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ॥१॥

Salutations to Shri Rudra, I Salute the Lord Ishana (another name of Shri Shiva) whose form represents the state of the highest Nirvana (extinction of all desires and passions leading to the highest bliss), Who manifests taking a Form though in essence He is pervading everywhere; and His Form embodies the highest knowledge of brahman present in the core of the Vedas.Who remain absorbed in His Own Self which is Beyond the three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas), which is Beyond any Vikalpas (Change and Manifoldness), and which is free from any movement (due to desires etc), Who abides in the Sky of the Chidakasha (Spiritual Sky); I Worship that Ishana.

निराकारमोङ्करमूलं तुरीयंगिराज्ञानगोतीतमीशं गिरीशम् ।करालं महाकालकालं कृपालंगुणागारसंसारपारं नतोऽहम् ॥२॥

(Salutations to Shri Rudra) Who is formless and the very root from where the sacred Omkara arises; Who abides in the state of Turiya (the fourth state in which Brahman is experienced in meditation).

He is the Lord who is beyond the knowledge which speech can express and beyond the perception which sense organs can perceive; He is Girisha (another name of Sri Shiva literally meaning the Lord of the mountains). Taking the terrible form of mahakala, he can tear apart Kala (Time) himself; at the same time. He is an embodiment of compassion to His devotees, I bow down to him who helps in crossing this Samsara (delusion of worldly existence) which is like a dwelling place made of Gunas.

तुषाराद्रिसंकाशगौरं गभिरंमनोभूतकोटिप्रभाश्री शरीरम् ।स्फुरन्मौलिकल्लोलिनी चारुगङ्गालसद्भालबालेन्दु कण्ठे भुजङ्गा ॥३॥

(Salutations to Sri Rudra) Who is shining white resembling a mountain of snow; and His being is very very deep, in the depth of whose mind exist millions of rays of splendour, which expresses themselves on his auspicious Body.

Over whose head, the beautiful Ganga throbs and surges forth towards the worlds, Over whose forehead the newly risen Moon shines spreading its rays, and around whose neck adorns the beautiful Serpents.

चलत्कुण्डलं भ्रूसुनेत्रं विशालंप्रसन्नाननं नीलकण्ठं दयालम् ।मृगाधीशचर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालंप्रियं शङ्करं सर्वनाथं भजामि ॥४॥

(Salutations to Sri Rudra) Whose Ear-Rings sway near his beautiful face, which is adorned with a striking eyebrow and Large beautiful eyes, whose face is beaming with Joy and Grace, whose throat is blue (due to drinking the poison during samudra manthana) and Who is extremely compassionate, whose clothes are the skin of the Lord of animals (signifying Tiger) and whose neck is adorned with a Garland of Skulls,

I Worship Him who is beloved of His devotees, who is Shankara.

प्रचण्डं प्रकृष्टं प्रगल्भं परेशंअखण्डं अजं भानुकोटिप्रकाशं ।त्र्यःशूलनिर्मूलनं शूलपाणिंभजेऽहं भवानीपतिं भावगम्यम् ॥५॥

(Salutations to Sri Rudra) Who is terrible, eminent and extremely strong; who is the highest Lord, who is ever unborn and whole; and with the effulgence of million Suns. Who has a Trident in hand, the three spikes of which uproots the bondages of the three Gunas (Tamas, Rajas and Sattva).

I Worship the consort of Devi Bhavani who can be attained only by devotion.

कलातीतकल्याण कल्पान्तकारीसदा सज्जनानन्ददाता पुरारी ।चिदानन्दसंदोह मोहापहारीप्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी ॥६॥

(Salutations to Sri Rudra) Whose auspicious nature is beyond the elements of the gross material world and who brings an end to a Kalpa (a cycle of creation when all gross elements are dissolved), who always give great joy to the wise men and who is the enemy (signifying Destroyer) of the Tripurasuras (who represents Adharma).

By taking away the great delusion, He plunges the prepared soul in the fullness of Cidananda (the Bliss of Brahman or Pure Consciousness), O, the Enemy (signifying Destroyer) of Manmatha; Please be Gracious to me; Please be Gracious to me, O Lord.

न यावद् उमानाथपादारविन्दंभजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम् ।न तावत्सुखं शान्ति सन्तापनाशंप्रसीद प्रभो सर्वभूताधिवासं ॥७॥

(Salutations to Sri Rudra) As long as the lotus feet of the Lord of Uma. is not worshipped in this world or later by the human beings, so long (i.e. Till then) joy, peace and end of sorrows will not be experienced in life.Therefore O Lord, please be gracious, You who reside within all beings.

न जानामि योगं जपं नैव पूजांनतोऽहं सदा सर्वदा शम्भुतुभ्यम् ।जराजन्मदुःखौघ तातप्यमानंप्रभो पाहि आपन्नमामीश शंभो ॥८॥

(Salutations to Sri Rudra) I do not know how to perform Yoga, Japa or Puja. I always at all times only bow down to You, O Shambhu (another name of Sri Shiva). Please protect me from the sorrows of birth and old age, as well as from the sins which lead to sufferings.

Please protect me O Lord from afflictions; protect me, O my Lord Shambhu.

रुद्राष्टकमिदं प्रोक्तं विप्रेण हरतोषयेये पठन्ति नरा भक्त्या तेषां शम्भुः प्रसीदति ॥९॥

This Rudrashtaka (eight verses in praise of Rudra) has been said (i.e. Composed) by the wise for pleasing Hara (another name of Sri Shiva), Those persons who recite this with devotion, with them Sri Shambhu will be always pleased.

इति श्रीगोस्वामितुलसीदासकृतं श्रीरुद्राष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ।

Thus ends Rudrashtakam composed by Shri Goswami Tulsidas.

Benefits of reciting Shiv Rudrashtakam

  1. Chanting the Shiva Rudrashtakam on Mahashivratri has always brought me peace. It’s believed that this powerful prayer helps remove all kinds of suffering. Whenever I recite it, I feel closer to Lord Shiva, as if he’s lifting my worries and easing my heart.
  2. By chanting the Shiva Rudrashtakam daily, it is believed that we can gradually get rid of any type of disease. As we continue this sacred practice, we not only feel more connected to Lord Shiva but also invite his healing energy into our lives. Over time, this divine chant is said to bring relief from both physical and mental suffering.
  3. The Rudrashtakam is believed to help the chanter achieve victory over enemies and receive Lord Shiva’s special grace. Personally, I find that reciting this powerful prayer gives me strength and confidence. When faced with challenges, it brings me a sense of support, allowing me to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious.
  4. Moreover, the Shiv Rudrashtakam is believed to boost mental strength and attract good fortune. Personally, whenever I chant it, I feel a sense of inner peace and clarity. Over time, it has helped me stay strong during tough times, while also bringing positivity and blessings into my life.
  5. Chanting the Rudrashtakam is believed to impress Lord Shiva, who generously blesses his devotees and ends their pain and sorrow. As I recite it, I feel his blessings surround me, bringing peace, happiness, and a life filled with joy.


In conclusion, the Rudrashtakam beautifully captures Shiva’s immense power as the destroyer of evil, protector of devotees, and liberator of souls. Each recitation brings us closer to his divine presence, guiding us toward a life of purity, humility, and devotion. Through this sacred hymn, we are reminded that Shiva’s grace holds the power to end our pain and sorrow, helping us overcome life’s challenges and ultimately attain liberation from the material world.

Have a blessed time ahead.

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