To gain the favor of Lord Shiva, devotees should follow the worship rules outlined in the blog.

Welcome to the oasis of delightful readings at Let’s read about the worship rituals of Lord Shiva.
Apparently, Lord Shiva is the one God who quickly blesses his devotees when they worship him with devotion and care. Monday, the most sacred day for Shaivities, sees large crowds of devotees in temples, eager to receive his blessings. Known as the beginning and end of all things, Devo ke Dev, Mahadev (another name of Lord Shiva) is present in every element—earth, sky, water and fire—symbolizing the cycle of life and creation.
Let’s draw closer to Lord Shiva this Shravan mas by offering these sacred items and receiving his abundant blessings.
Why Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva?
In Hinduism, Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. As it is believed to be the day when the cosmic energy aligns with Lord Shiva’s divine vibrations. A devotee will be blessed with peace, prosperity, and fulfillment of desires by worshipping Lord Shiva on Mondays.
Additionally, it is believed that Goddess Parwati performed great penance on this day to win Lord Shiva’s love. Hence, this day is particularly auspicious for worshipping Mahadev. Generally, devotees observe fasts and perform Jal Abhishekam and Rudra Abhishekam on Mondays to seek Lord Shiva’s blessings.
What all should be offered to Lord Shiva?
There are few essentials Worship elements one must keep in mind. To unlock divine blessings with offerings of water, milk, curd, honey, cow ghee, sugar, perfume(itra), belpatra, sandalwood, saffron, black sesame seed, diya bati and bhang. Whether combined in a sacred mix or presented one by one, each element poured over the Shivlinga is a step closer to Lord Shiva’s grace.
According to the Shiv Puran, bathing the Shivling with these sacred offerings grants the fulfillment of all desires. The power of Shiva worship is undeniable.
Different remedies
Although, there are many benefits of offering these different items to Lord Shiva while Jal abhiskheham.
- Firslty, offering water or Ganga jal to the Shivlinga while chanting mantras calms the mind and fills the heart with compassion.
- Secondly, offering honey to the Shivlinga infuses sweetness into our speech.
- One can also offer milk to the Shivlinga to be blessed with good health.
- Moreover, offering curd to the Shivlinga fosters a sense of seriousness and helps cultivate a more thoughtful nature.
- Do not miss to bath the Shivlinga with itra (perfume) to purify the mind and elevating our thoughts.
- Further, offering sandalwood to Lord Shiva enhances our personality, making us more attractive and earning us respect in society.
- Infact, offering saffron to the Shivlinga brings a sense of gentleness to our character.
- Always wonder why do people offer Bhang to Lord Shiva? Here is the answer. Offering bhang (cannabis) to the Shivlinga helps cleanse us of vices and negative influences.
- Lastly, offering sugar to the Shivling boosts happiness and brings prosperity into our lives.
Dos and Don’t for Shiva Worship
These are the general Instructions to be followed before the Shivlinga worship Rituals :
a) Wake up early in brahma Muhurat, take a bath in the morning and become pure after doing daily chores.
b) Thenafter, go to the Lord Shiva temple near your home.
c) And after reaching the temple, offer Gangajal or holy water to Lord Shiva along with his family of Goddess Parwati, Lord Ganesha , Lord Kartikeya and Nandi.
d) Likewise, after offering water, offer sandalwood, rice, Bilvapatra, Ankde flowers and Dhatura to the divine Shivlinga.
e) Do not forget to chant this mantra –
Mandaramalankalitalkayai kapalamalankitshekharai.Divyaambarai Cha Digambarai Namah Shivayai Cha Namah Shivay.
f)At the end, to complete the puja, offer cow ghee and sugar to Lord Shiva and then perform aarti with incense and diya with cow ghee.
In conclusion, each offering made to the Shivling—whether it’s water, milk, curd, honey, ghee, sugar, perfume, sandalwood, saffron, or cannabis—holds a special significance and imparts unique blessings. These sacred acts of devotion not only enhance personal qualities and well-being but also attract divine grace, bringing peace, prosperity, and positive transformation into our lives.