
Smiling face with hands folded and placed near chest, have you seen this before? Yes, you got it right. It’s Namaste.

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During the Covid restrictions, the world has accepted the significance of Indian salutation – Namaste. Eventually we call it namaste, namaskar and even Namaskaram in many parts of the country.

Meaning of Namaste

Namaste word is derived from our Sanskrit language, amalgamation of two words “namah” (I bow) and tvam( you). Infact Namaste is a verbal and non-verbal gesture to show respect and gratitude in Hinduism. In India, Namaste is a very common gesture of salutation in everybody’s daily life. We simply inherit the value and performing needs of Namaste from childhood till we grow old.

Significance of Namaste in Hinduism

Namaste is acknowledged as a gesture of salutation worldwide. But, Namaste holds its meaning and notability more than a greeting.

Firstly, according to our sacred text, Namaste is derived from the word Namas means “not me”.

Secondly, Namaste is a gesture where one person sees the soul(Atman) in supreme(Brahman). In simple words, the ego of being oneself vanishes and one sees the Brahma (supreme being) in everyone.
Also, doing Namaste promotes a sense of peace and positivity in our minds.
Lastly, Namaste signifies the value of unity as we all are one and part of the universe (brahman). While bowing namaste to the person we mean my soul(atma) is the same as your soul (atma).

Origin and history of Namaste

Namaste has been recognised since ages. Its earliest mention is found in Rigveda, where the devotee is praying to the almighty with namaste indicating adoration to the almighty.

Similarly, Atharvaveda emphasizes the hand gesture namaste as ” offering homage”. According to Natya Shashtra, Namaste is a posture which is placed near Heart chakra (Anahata chakra) and performed in Pranjali mudra. As per Upanishads and our great epics (Mahabharata and Ramayana), namaskaram is offered to the supreme God and characters by bowing and placing hands at solar plexus (Ajnay chakra, a point between our eyebrows).
As per yoga, Namaste is a sign of showing respect and peace to everyone.

Science and Namaste

Even modern occult sciences also accept the health benefits of doing namaste as it presses all necessary acupressure points present in our fingers.Thus resulting in many health benefits. Patanjali Yoga Sutra also uses Namaste in its Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) and Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar).

How to do namaste?

Here, a person joins both of his hands pressed together with all fingers pointing upwards, palms touching each other. Thumbs are towards chest with a smile on face, he slightly bows downwards and says Namaste!


Now, one more salutation is added into your knowledge. Namaste will surely be in your mind while greeting.

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