Lotus is a symbolic representation of life in Hinduism.

Welcome to the world of resolute readings at www.onindianpath.com. Let’s read about the significance, meaning and symbolic representation of Lotus in Hinduism.
Do you know how Lotus rises? Let me tell you. Lotus is the flower which rises from the mudy water without a single strain on it. It blooms beautifully and spreads a mesmerizing fragrance. In Hindu scriptures, it has great value. Popularly called Padma, it symbolises purity, beauty and fertility.
Moreover, it is revered in ashtagmangla (8 sacred symbols) of Hinduism after Aum and swastik.
Significance of Lotus
Bhagwad Gita tells us about the profound significance of this flower in Hindu religion. Apparently, it tells us to live our life the way this sacred flower blooms every day. Despite being in sorrows and pains, miseries of life, one should always rise above them for spiritual upliftment.
Similarly, Yoga teaches us to sit in crossed legged position called Padmasana. Padma means lotus and asana means sitting. Hence, Padmasana is suggested to improve overall health in Indian sub continent by sages and yogis. This posture also believe to activate the energy centers (chakras) in body.
Hinduism is the thirdly largest following religion after Christianity and Islam. It has no single founder, instead it has ideologies and viewpoints from many gods and goddesses. Lets discuss this flower and its association with different Hindu gods. Nevertheless, it is advised by priests and astrologers to offer this sacred flower in pink and white hue to Shri Vishnu and Mata Lakshmi to appease them.
Lord Vishnu and Lotus
a) Lord Vishnu is known as Kamalnayan. Kamala is the Hindi word of Lotus and Nayan refers to eyes. As per the ancient texts, this sacred flower is associated with Lord Vishnu as he is beyond worldly attachments. Being a preserver in the trinity of gods, (Brahma-the creator, Vishnu- the preserver and Mahesh-the destroyer), Lotus is dear to him. He sees world beyond the happiness and sorrows.
b) Lord Vishnu holds this flower in his left hand. Do you know why? Every Sanatani knows the meaning of Shri Hari Vishnu’s four hands. He is the preserver of the world and has a conch in one hand, sudarshan chakra in another hand, mace in another hand and Padma in lower left hand. All of them holds far reaching significance in our lives.
- Shankha (Conch) – Sounds from Shankha or Conch has symbolic representation of removal of negative energy. As per Vedas, sound of Aum is evolved from it.
- Sudarshan Chakra (disc) – This discus or Sudarshan Chakra is a spinning, sharp weapon that symbolizes the mind and the power to destroy evil and ignorance.
- Kaumodaki Gada (mace)- This weapon represents Hindu God Shri Vishnu’s power to uphold and enforce Dharma. It also signifies authority and the capacity to punish wrongdoers.
- Padma (Lotus)- Lord Vishnu holds the lotus flower in his left hand. Also it represents purity, beauty and transcendence. It symbolizes spiritual liberation and enlightenment. Also, the flower indicates Vishnu’s connection to the material and spiritual worlds, as well as his role in fostering the growth and prosperity of all beings.
c) Additionally, Lord Vishnu is worshipped as Padmanabh. Padmanabh is the name given to Shri Hari as a Padma (Lotus) is bloomed from the nabh (navel) of the Lord. On this flower, Lord Brahma is sitting while reading the Vedas. Even, one of the Ekdashi, Papankusha Ekadashi is dedicated to Padamanabh Awatar of Hindu God Shri Vishnu.
d) However, Lord Vishnu is worshipped as Kamal Charan. His feet are called Lotus feet. As he is free from materialistic world and worldly desires. Every Hindu desires to be part of his Kamal Charam after death.
Goddess Lakshmi and Lotus
Although, Goddess Lakshmi is associated with prosperity and wealth. But, she gives us message of being into the calmness and spiritually enriching state while sitting in the world of gold, wealth and materialistic passions. Here, again the sacred flower symbolises rising above the muddy water without a single strain on any petal. The stalk of plant rises from muddy water and blossoming the flower high.
Eventually, Goddess Lakshmi guides us to transcend material wealth for spiritual growth.
Apparently, in our community, it is an age old custom to decorated our main doors of houses anad workplace by drawing this beautiful flower on both the sides along with Shubh and Labh on Diwali.
Goddess Sarawati and Lotus
Indeed Goddess Sarawati is the Goddess of wisdom, knowledge, art and music in Hinduism. Moreover, she sits on swan and on a white flower. And, she guides us to be modest and maintaining the integrity even in adverse conditions. Element of peace, beauty grace and enlightenment are its symbolic representation of Maa Daraswati.
Certianly, one can find Lotus with other Hindu gods and goddesses like Maa Durga wearing garland of Lotus, Lord Ganesha sitting on this flower shown as symbol of purity and eternity, etc.
Thus, by now, we know how important this flower to our culture and for us. Apart from Hinduism, Buddhism has great value for divine flower in form of Lotus Sutra and much more. Even, India has it as its national flower. Furthermore, it is more than a flower to us. Apart from its spiritual significance and symbolic representation, it has many health benefits. Infact, its seeds, its sticks, its petals and its leaves are used in medicines, cosmetics and cuisines in India and abroad.
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