Hinduism.is full of mesmerising facts and amazing principle leads to meaningful life.

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Welcome to the oasis of delightful readings at www.onindianpath.com. Let’s read on to know more about Hinduism.


Hinduism is considered as complex and vast subject, here we are putting light on it to make your path to discover Hinduism more vividly.

Hinduism is a way of living with great values and teachings. Additionally, it is considered as one of the oldest religion followed till date. Hinduism has been followed widely in Indian sub-continent. Gradually, it is gaining popularity in other parts of globe too.

The universe of this religion is vast and very deep to discover. It touches the man from its ontological roots. Hinduism accept all other faiths and religious paths with great respect and dignity. It never demands its followers to be exclusively with Hinduism. Hinduism is an eternal way of living and following the path of Karma to live life congruously.

Pravriti and Nivriti

PRAVRITI and NIVRITI are two most defined ways to live life as per Hinduism. These two words are derived from Sanskrit.

Meaning of PRAVRITI is desire and NIVRITI means non desire.

Pravriti means revolving towards and Nivriti means revolving away. Praviriti here defines as natural tendency of a human being to accumulate everything from everywhere and collecting at one place. This everything could be money, wealth, name, fame and power.

And, when the human gets over with this Pravriti, he starts going away from materialism.

Whereas, Nivriti is followed for a higher purpose in life. Mortality and religion take place in the mind. The senses are controlled and one starts working for betterment, serving and sacrifices for other beings. Pravriti is self driven while Nivriti takes one self to the path of spirituality.

A follower of Hinduism is abide by the path of Nivriti to reach to the path of renunciation. After tasting the fruit of worldly desires and materialistic passions, one need to search for the internal happiness and freedom of mind through Nivriti. This is the reason, in our four ashram of Hinduism, Sanyas (penance) is after Grihasth Ashram (maried life).

Hence, the ultimate goal of Hinduism is MOKSHA. It is attained when atman (soul) is connected to Brahm (universe). We are conditioned to the need of worldly possessions and desires by our family, society and peers as basics to survive.

Since our childhood till the end ,we are constantly stuck in the vicious circle of desires and wants. Gradually while moving towards the Sanatan Dharma, we realise the importance of Nivriti in true sense.

Why Hinduism called Sanatana Dharma?

Hinduism does not have a single founder. It is called Santana Dharma, meaning eternal faith. Hinduism is the name given by the natives of western part of globe based on their studies. They traced the origin of Hinduism near river Sindhu and natives called Hindu. However, Hinduism has deep and meaningful concept of BRAHM, KARMA, ATMA, PUNARJANAM and MOKSHA.

What are different sects in Hinduism?

There are many sects in Hinduism. Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism and Smartism are widely followed in different parts of the continent.

a) Shaivism sect talks about lord Shiva and his stupendous deeds.

b) Vaishanavism talks about Lord Vishnu and worship him as supreme being.

c) Likewise, Shaktism is a denomination where people follow goddess Shakti (Prakriti) as the only supreme deity and Lord Shiva as Purusha.

With amalgamation and efforts of Purusha and Prakriti universe is running since its origin.

d) Apparently, Smartism is the Hindu sect which follows and worships Panch pujya (five dities) Vishnu, Shakti, Shiva, Surya and Ganesha.

Shruti amd Smriti

Hinduism is way more deeper and conclusive. It has reserved its knowledge, traditions, ritual and other literature in two forms, SHRUTI and SMRITI. According to Sanskrit, SHRUTI means ‘can be heard’ and SMRITI means ‘can be remembered’.

Moreover, the sacred text of Hinduism in SHRUTI are of divine origin and author less. It is believed that they illuminate the ideal way of living as per Hinduism. Shruti text are considered all truthful, eternal and unquestionable while Smriti text have human intellect and authors.


Thus, Shruti includes all four Vedas- Yajurveda (collection of scared formulas called mantras) Atharveda (represents the true vedic life), Rigveda (collection of 1024 hymns) and Samveda (1875 verses of songs and chants).

While, Shruti text also includes Aryankas, Brahmanas and Upnishads.

Smriti includes work written by sages. They includes Vedangas, Upavedas, Upangas and Darsana.

Spiritual side of Hinduism

Hinduism and spirituality are two sides of one coin. Spirituality is a phenomena where one find the true meaning of his own self and his own place in the creation of God. Further, it is a way of finding out the meaning and purpose of life while searching the inner peace and spiritual connection to the supreme being. In Hinduism, there is no single defined spiritual path. Furthermore, different sects define different path to attain Moksha. In spiritual path, there have been many obstacles.

Obstacles in spiritual path

These obstacles includes

  • Vyadhi(diseases),
  • Stayana(Apathy),
  • Samasaya(doubts),
  • Pramada (negligence),
  • Alayasa (laziness),
  • Bhrantidarshan (misconception),
  • Anavashistha(instability) and lastly
  • Ragaprakriti (material attachment).

Yama and Niyama of Hinduism

Hinduism has explained code of ethics to its followers through its sacred text. It contains Yama and Niyama. Yama talks about the personal conduct which refrains oneself from wrong doing by the following actions-

  • Ahimsa (non violence)
  • Satya (truth)
  • Ashteya (non stealing)
  • Aparigrah (non attachemnt)
  • Brahmacharya (celibacy)
  • Kshama (forgiveness)
  • Arjava ( simple and open heartedness)
  • Shakahari Ahaar (Vegetarian food)
  • Vivek (wisdom)

Niyama are the code of ethics which help one to follow the spiritual path with dutiful observance. It includes

  • Shaucha (cleanliness)
  • Santosh (satisfaction)
  • Tapas (meditation)
  • Swadhyaa ( self- interrogation)
  • Ishawara Pranidhara (devotion)
  • Danam (charity)
  • Japa (recitation of divine name)
  • Yagna (ritual of sacrificial fire)


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