Cow is considered the most sacred and reverved animal in Hinduism.

Indian Cows
Indian Cows

यया सर्वमिदं व्याप्तं जगत् स्थावरजङ्गमम्।
तां धेनुं शिरसा वन्दे भूतभव्यस्य मातरम्॥

I bow my head to the mother cow, the mother of the past and the future, who has pervaded the entire world.


Welcome to all our amazing readers. Today we are here with another interesting and engaging blog on cow- an animal of divine value in India.


An innocent creature, Cow is considered sacred and a symbol of wealth, abundance and maternal care. Cows are highly respected and protected in Hindu culture. And they are treated by principles of ahimsa (non-violence) and compassion.

Why cows are worshipped in Hinduism?

In Hinduism, cow is considered as a abode of 33 crores Hindu Gods. It is believed that this nourishing creature has everything of great value.

What is panchgavya and how is it associated with Cow?

According to our ancient text, Santana Dharma says that Panchgavya is a pure chemical from cow derivatives. It has five ingredient’s:

  • Milk
  • Ghee
  • Gomal
  • Yoghurt
  • Gaumutra

our ancestors used to include Panchgavya in their diets to have immense benefits. Also, it gives happiness to heart, health and increase lifespan, strength and intellectual capacity.

Benefits of Panchgavya

a) And also, milk and yogurt improves our overall health.

b) Gaumutra can cure leprosy, liver and kidney issues, skin problems and many more disease.

Infact, cow urine holds equal importance. Its medicinal properties makes it more vital.

c) Cow dung is useful for farming as fertiliser, useful for making biogas and for covering walls of village houses as it has anti-bacterial properties.

Even the cow dung is considered pious and burn in many religious rituals and puja like havan, navdurga puja, dhuni etc. It is called sacred purifier whose smoke can kill bacteria in environment and its ashes also used in many religious practices.

d) Furthermore, Ghee is used in agni in havanas. Ghee is used in lighting diya, havana, panchanrit and part of satwik bhojan.

e) From cows milk, we can make many eatables like curd, cheese, ghee, cream and many more.

Additionally, cow is considered a symbol of piousness and compassion.

What legends say about Cow?

As per Vedas, cow is an integral part of Brahma’s creation. It is called universal symbol of motherhood in Upanishads.

Firstly, Rig Veda says that Aditi (supreme nature force, Prakriti) was a cow and supreme soul (Purush) was a bull. All four vedas praise cow and teaches us to worship cow. Rig Veda says cow as aghanya means a living being not to be killed.

Secondly, Atharva Veda explains the medicinal properties of panchgavya.

Thirdly, Yajur Veda talks about Gau-seva. It lays the principles and methods of serving and taking care of cows.

Fourthly, Sam Veda explains cow as door to heaven as its worshipping and serving will makes devotee free from cycle of birth and death.

How Lord Krishna is associated with Cow?

Lord Krishna with Cow
Lord Krishna with Cow

Even, Lord Krishna had his childhood all around the cows and kettle. Bhagwad Gita has many mention of greatness and revervance of this sanctity entity. Lord Krishna was from a family of cowherds. He was called Gopala and Govinda, as he was protector of cows.

Inspite, he used to play flute near the cows and other animals.He used to love cows a lot. And, it is believed that Lord Krishna symbolised abundance and prosperity and likewise cows symbolize wealth, abundance and prosperity.

Lord Krishna signifies the divine bliss and prosperity, and he is surrounded by cows. This representation signifies his ability to bestow material and spiritual abundance upon his devotees.

From Lord Krishna’s childhood interactions with cows, we came to know the deeper spiritual and philosophical teachings. The cow represents humility, innocence and selfless service, qualities that Lord Krishna encourages his devotees to cultivate in their lives.

The association of Hindu God Shri Krishna and cows displays the divine love, compassion and pastoral aspect of the deity.


Kamdhenu is a cow worshipped and believed to have power to fulfill all the desires and needs. Kamdhenu seen as symbol of wealth, prosperity, peace, motherly love and harmony.

Vastu Shastra suggests that followers of Hinduism should keep statue of Kamdhenu in Ishaan Kon of the home or workplace. It brings positivity, happiness and prosperity in the family.

Thus, there are many options in shape, size, design and material used in Kamdhenu statue in online and offline markets.


Hence, I wind up my write up by saying this that we all are living beings created by the supreme power to love and spread happiness. By loving his creatures and respecting the innocent animal like cow will make you more near to him.

Have a happy time ahead.

If you want to buy a mini statue of Kamdhenu cow with calf for better future prospectives, buy here.

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