Durga Kawach, also known as Devi Kawacham, is a recitation hymn for protection.


Welcome to the world of captivating readings at www.onindianpath.com. In this blog, let’s shed light on the meaning, significance, and perspective of Durga Kawach.


Hinduism encompasses all forms of devotion and unconditional love for the Supreme God, rooted deeply in the human heart. From childhood, we are imbued with values and virtues by our guardians and grandparents through mantras, stotras, scriptures and various religious texts.

I still remember watching my grandmother recite the Durga Kawach every day during the nine days of Navratri. She would always tell us how this sacred text would protect our entire family. As a child, I often wondered, how could one person’s recitation shield us all?

What is Durga Kawach?

As the name suggests, Kawach is a Hindi word meaning protective armor. The Durga Kawach is a sacred chant and part of the Durga Saptashati Path. It comes from the Markandeya Purana, written by Sage Markandeya and narrated to him by Lord Brahma. This powerful invocation to Goddess Durga consists of 47 shlokas.

Significance of Durga Kawach

Devi Kawacham or Durga Kawach is a collection of powerful shlokas to eliminate negativity spread all around. It acts as a shield to protect against any bad situation. Each shloka protects the chanter from evil spirits and negative energies, reversing negative vibrations. Additionally, this Devi Kawach from Durga Saptashati is also considered a powerful stotra to recieve blessings in abundance. It acts as a shield against challenges and illnesses for the chanter and their family.

Why do Hindus chant Durga Kawach?

However, it is said that chanting the Durga Kawach during the worship of Maa Durga/Ambe can bring relief from all kinds of diseases. Do you know Markandeya Purana is one of the eight major Puranas in Hinduism?

Particularly, the Markandeya Purana is a powerful and spiritually uplifting Hindu text that contains mantras, hymns, and chants praising Maa Durga and her legends. Devotees receive protection from illness through its recitation. I truly believe that everyone should read it.

How does Durga Kwach works?

Apparently, the word ‘Kawach’ itself means armor—it’s a shield. Hence, its like a spiritual barrier we create around ourselves by invoking the names of the Durga maa. This powerful recitation is especially important during the nine days of Navratri and brings immense benefits to those who chant it with faith. Although, many Shakti followers do read it on daily basis.

Benefits of chanting Durga Kawach

Let’s take a moment to explore the benefits of this sacred text:

Shield of Protection

Firstly, chanting the Devi Kavacham with deep devotion and correct pronunciation is believed to create a powerful shield, protecting the chanter from all forms of negativity and harm. I have been chanting it loudly so that the vibrations of the mantras and shlokas can reach every corner of the house.

Enhancing Health

Many believe that reciting the Durga kawach/Devi Kawacham can contribute to overall well-being, offering both physical and mental health benefits.

Transforming Energies

As religious text suggest, Durga Kawach is said to possess the power to convert negative vibrations into positive energy. Thus, creating a more harmonious environment around the devotee.

Fostering Spiritual Growth

Do you know the reason of recitation of mantras in Hinduism? Reciting the Devi Kawacham or any other religious text is believed to guide individuals on their spiritual path. The meaning and significance of text encourages our inner peace and personal growth.

Fulfillment of Wishes

Although, it is believed that regular chanting of Durga Kawach can help manifest heartfelt desires, bringing blessings and fulfillment into one’s life.

Cleansing the Mind, Body, and Soul

Whenever I read the powerful Durga Kawach in solitude, I get goosebumps. The divinity in its words is overwhelming. This holy text is believed to purify the mind, body, and soul. It helps devotees cleanse themselves of impurities. It also guides them to embrace a higher spiritual state.

Durga Kawach recitation- faith or myth

Many of you may wonder how a recitation can improve health in today’s medically advanced world. Let me clarify—it is all about faith. If you take medication but believe it will have no effect, it may eventually worsen your condition. On the other hand, if you drink water with the belief that it will improve your health, it can work wonders.

Manifestations and healing work hand in hand with faith. Similarly, this is how the Durga Kawach functions. In my experience, I have found that when I approach these sacred recitations with full belief, it not only brings peace to my mind but also seems to positively impact my overall well-being. While science is vital, I truly believe that faith has an equally powerful role in shaping our health and happiness.


I am wrapping up my blog with a thought: when we can sing birthday songs, share New Year wishes, and even joyfully belt out Christmas carols, why can’t we recite our age-old religious texts with the same enthusiasm? Believe me, engaging with Durga kawach can awaken a profound power within us.

The Devi Kawacham, also known as Durga Kawach, is particularly special. It intricately details all our body parts, serving as a protective shield. The Falshruti section explains the numerous benefits of reciting the Kawach. After immersing ourselves in these divine verses, we can genuinely pray to Maa Bhagwati (another name of Goddess Durga) for health, strength, and protection in our lives.

Let’s not reserve our enthusiasm for celebrations alone. By embracing the wisdom of our traditions, we can enrich our spirits and foster a deeper connection to the divine.

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